+1 212-862-9010
441 Convent Ave, Suite 4D New York, NY 10031
New York Women’s Foundation Photo Shoot

African Hope Committee was delighted to be part of the New York Women's Foundation Photo Shoot on Sunday, November 2. Amongst some amazing Women's Organizations, African Hope Committe was made up (we all looked like Queens!) photographed, and interviewed for a photo book that the NYWF will be publishing with the organizations that they support. 

It was really interesting for the participants, who usually spend thier time doing loads of selfless work, for the tables to be turned and to pampered for a few hours. We are excited to see the final product, and to remind women in our community that women of all shapes and sizes are beautiful and deserve to be celebrated. Even the most giving women must make time for self care. We had a does of this will NYWF, thank you ladies! We truly enjoyed this experiance and look forward to more collaborations in the future!